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Best lychee rose mooncake

Lychee raspberry rose snowskin mooncakes with a little chopped walnuts, almonds, dried cranberries and freeze-dried raspberry powder added to the lychee paste for a little variation in texture and taste.

I have decided to blog about this so that I have a proper record of this recipe, in case I want to try it again.

The lychee rose mooncake mould I used is for approximately 50g dough + filling. I adapted this recipe from my favourite default snowskin recipe that I use when I made snowskin mooncakes to sell because it had the softest texture and able to stay soft and moist the longest.

Recipe for filling

Ingredients (makes 12 small mooncakes) :

280g lychee reduced sugar lotus paste

1.5 tsp freeze-dried raspberry powder*

1tbs chopped walnuts*

1/2 tbs chopped almonds*

1/2 tbs chopped dried cranberries*

* you may adjust quantity or omit according to taste.


1. Add raspberry powder to paste and knead until evenly distributed.

2. Knead the chopped ingredients into the lotus paste until evenly distributed.

3. Divide into 12 balls, about 24g each. You may prepare this a day ahead of time if you are busy. Store in airtight container at room temperature.

Lychee lotus paste with goodies added in

Recipe for raspberry rose lychee snowskin


26g kou fien + extra for dusting

26g icing sugar

104g snowskin premix (replace with 52g icing sugar and 52g kou fien if not available)

26g vegetable shortening

90g boiled water

10g rose syrup (the type for making bandung)

35g raspberry puree, strain out the pips

2 drops lychee flavouring (optional)

Pink, white and purple gel food colouring (optional if you are not making the flower pattern in different colour )


1. Sift together icing sugar, kou fien and snowskin premix into a mixing bowl. Set aside.

2. Place vegetable shortening and the rest of the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat while stirring until shortening is totally melted.

3. Pour heated liquid into sifted flour mix and use spatula to mix until a dough forms. Cover with cling wrap and let it rest until cool enough to handle with your hands, about 15 minutes. The dough appears rough at this stage and it is ok.

4. Portion out a little dough (1-2g) and colour it white for the flower center. Portion out 22-24g dough and colour it dark purple. Keep the coloured dough covered to prevent drying out.

5. Portion the rest of the dough to 22-23g balls. Keep covered to prevent drying out.


1. Knead the 23g ball of dough until smooth between parchment paper, dusting with kou fien as necessary. Flatten into a circle and wrap a ball of filling with it. You may put this in the mould to press it out if you aren’t making the coloured flower pattern.

2. To make the flower, very lightly dust the insides of the mould with kou fien. Put a little white dough in the center and press it in with a finger wrapped with cling wrap. Cover the petal portions with dark purple dough and press in the same way.

This is how it should look like. The wrapped filling on the left and the mooncake mould with flower pattern on the right.

3. Brush the flower pattern with a little water so that the main dough with filling will stick to it. Lightly dust the sides of the wrapped filling and carefully insert into the mould. Press it firmly to make the pattern.

4. Refrigerate in airtight container for at least a day before consuming. The snowskin texture is mochi-like for the first day or two before settling down to the familiar snowskin texture. Read More

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